Saturday, April 08, 2006

Ottawa 2006 Property Taxes are Due on March 16, 2006

Your 2006 Ottawa Interim Property Tax bills are due on Thursday March 16, 2006.

This is the first of two tax bills you will receive this year. It covers 50% of last year's annualized taxes before special charges. The Final tax bill for the balance of your annual taxes is normally due in June of each year. If you have not received your bill shortly after the mail-out dates listed above, please call the Revenue Division immediately at 613-580-2444.

Taxpayers who wish to enroll in the Pre-Authorized Tax Payment (PTP) plan for the 2006 tax year must pay their Interim Tax Bill on or before the March 16 due date then complete and return the "Mid-Year" PTP authorization form before the April 15, 2006 deadline.

If your payment is late, a penalty charge of 1.25% will be added the day following the due date and the first day of each month thereafter.

In addition, Council has approved an increase to all user fees effective January 1, 2006.

Note: Your account is credited when payment is received at our Office, not the postmark date.


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