Friday, June 06, 2008

Ottawa Invests in BCIT Green-Building Research

The Government of Canada is investing in research being conducted by the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) to strengthen the sustainable building technology (green building) sector in British Columbia.

Federal funding of $500,000 and a $25,000 research grant will enable the expansion of applied research and demonstration projects of green roof and living wall technologies.

The funding from Western Economic Diversification Canada will allow BCIT’s Centre for Advancement of Green Roof Technology to continue to expand its activities. BCIT also received a $25,000 grant under Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation External Research Program to conduct research on the benefits of green roofs with respect to storm water runoff, roof deck thermal performance and space conditioning energy savings.

This support from Western Economic Diversification will help move our green roof research forward in new and exciting ways.

At BCIT, applied research activities directly involve industry so that we can work together to bring solutions to business. This funding and the support of BCIT industry partners will help bring new ideas to architecture, design, construction and more.


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